Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra

Commonly known as the Diamond Sutra, the Diamond Cutter Sutra, and the Vajra Prajña Paramita Sutra, the meaning of the title is “the indestructible supreme wisdom of the Tathagata that annihilates everything using the vast and boundless Greater Vehicle.”  

The sutra reveals the wisdom that annihilates everything and allows the attainment of buddhahood. Its essence is in the obliteration of everything.

About the Vajra Sutra

About the Vajra Sutra

This sutra is the king of all sutras—the profound teaching of the Buddha on the indestructible wisdom that annihilates everything and enables supreme perfect attainment.

Living Buddha Lian Sheng

Living Buddha Lian Sheng

Born in Taiwan in 1945 amidst extreme poverty and hardship, an unexpected mystical experience changed the direction of his life….

“The Vajra Sutra destroys everything!’’​

This daunting statement—first proclaimed by the spiritual leader and lineage root guru of the True Buddha School, H.H. Living Buddha Lian Sheng— is earth-shattering!

So why did he declare that the essence of the Vajra Sutra is to annihilate everything?